Pregnant women are sometimes labeled lazy because it is difficult to get up to move. Actually it is not necessarily true, because many things can make pregnant women feel tired or difficult to do various activities so that it seems as if they are not excited or lazy.
Although young pregnant women have not gained much weight, many who complain often feel tired. Some women only feel it at the age of seven months of pregnancy, but some are experiencing fatigue during pregnancy.
Various Causes of Pregnant Women Look Lazy
Here are some reasons pregnant women feel fatigue that is often misinterpreted as a reason for laziness to move:Hormonal changes
One of them is an increase in the hormone progesterone. This hormone can trigger drowsiness in pregnant women. In addition, the body experiences blood production accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and sugar levels. Unfortunately, although often feel sleepy, many young pregnant women who do not feel a good night's sleep due to frequent urination.
Emotional change
Emotional factors greatly affect the physical condition of pregnant women, including when feeling anxious. There are various things that are usually the things that worry about pregnant women, including the health condition of the baby, preparation for becoming a mother, to her feelings about the pregnancy. Pregnant women need to overcome it so as not to continue to become depressed.
Nausea and vomiting
Although often called morning sickness, but actually nausea and vomiting in pregnant women can take place at any time of the day. A lot of energy is drained when pregnant women feel nausea and vomiting, thus allowing pregnant women to feel less passionate in their activities.
Do not be quick to assume pregnant women are lazy. It may be that fatigue is felt by pregnant women associated with iron deficiency anemia. To confirm this condition, the doctor needs to do a blood test. Generally done at the beginning of the first trimester, towards the end of the second trimester, or the beginning of the third trimester.
Weight gain
Especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women will feel more tired. It's just that, this time the reason is because of the increasing weight of the baby and also the mother's weight. This can trigger insomnia in pregnant women and frequent urination, which then causes fatigue.
Tips to Stay Excited When Pregnant
Many physical challenges faced by pregnant women, but that does not mean it can not be overcome. Pregnant women can still be enthusiastic about running their activities and throwing away the title of lazy with the following tips:- Resting when you feel tired. If this is not possible, then you can set aside time for a nap or sleep early.
- Avoid drinking too much a few hours before bedtime, so as not to wake up often to urinate.
- Eating healthy food or snacks in small portions every few hours. For example, cereals with low fat milk or whole wheat bread with chicken slices.
- Expand fruits and vegetables, then limit sweet, salty or junk food. Ensure adequate fluid intake every day. Prioritize drinking water and reduce caffeine intake.
- Physical activity, like walking casually, can make the body feel better. Complete with stretching and breathing exercises according to ability. If necessary, do it every day.
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